Food and sex. Basic needs, right? For most people, anyway. But what if you’re asked to choose one over the other? Turns out, 73 percent of women report they would select an amazing meal over amazing sex. That kind of appetite could be just the thing that leads to a Michigan divorce.
Survey Says: Food Rules
The Women’s Wellness Survey conducted by Everyday Health discovered that nearly three-quarters of the women surveyed have a bigger appetite for food than sex. Perhaps because that meal is almost always a sure thing? Maybe they don’t think amazing sex is even a possibility?
While the survey did not differentiate between married and unmarried women, it’s not difficult to draw conclusions from these results. If married women are opting for food over a roll in the hay with their spouse, a Michigan divorce may not be far behind.
The Wellness of Your Marriage
A woman’s sense of wellness is derived from so many areas, but good sex certainly plays an important role. Some of the statistics from the survey:
- Southern women believe a healthy and satisfying sex life is one of the most important elements to achieving wellness.
- However, women in the South are least satisfied with their wellness, while women in the Northeast are the most satisfied.
- 63 percent of Millennials are not having satisfying sex.
- 69 percent of Gen Xers are not having satisfying sex.
- 75 percent of Baby Boomers are not having satisfying sex.
Some of these stats could be related to the rise in Gray Divorce. Age in general could be a divorce predictor. The reality is that women are demanding satisfaction from their marriages, in a variety of ways, and if they don’t get it, they’re more willing to call it quits.
From Food to Sex to Divorce
Shared meals can forge romantic connections. And a couple’s memories of dinners out or food moments together can lead to a closeness that automatically translates to the bedroom. But nearly 20 percent of the women surveyed report they haven’t had satisfying sex in the past year.
Life can get in the way of the effort it takes to maintain a good marriage. Children. Work. Family obligations. Sickness. Stress. These demands may have couples forgoing sex for comfort food. There are natural ebbs and flows in a relationship, and peaks and valleys in your sex life, but intimacy is essential to a healthy relationship.
In some marriages, couples develop prenuptial or postnuptial agreements that include clauses about their sex life, from how often they will be intimate to what types of intimacy is permitted. (Whether they do this to ensure the health of their relationship or because they want to encourage the other person from straying is up in the air.)
From incompatibility to adultery to addiction to a poor sex life, there are many factors that can lead to a Michigan divorce. Bring your questions, concerns, and more to Michigan Divorce Help, PLLC in Macomb, Michigan. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.