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    Set Yourself Up for Good Luck in Your Divorce

    There is such a thing as a good divorce – and there is also the opposite. You want to be in the crowd that’s successful at changing your life, and that begins by creating your own luck. Retain a qualified and experienced Michigan divorce attorney to help you finalize the split from your ex and be prepared to put in the time to get the outcome you want.

    Gather Documentation

    Asset documentation can be one of the most tedious and frustrating steps of your divorce, but it’s also one of the most crucial. You’ll have to provide a complete financial picture as you know it so your attorney can work from a generous collection of information on your behalf and minimize the need for extensive discovery. The key is to start working on your information-gathering right away, as you may have to request some documentation from companies or financial institutions and that takes time.

    Make sure you can access the following information:

    • Paystubs
    • Bank statements
    • Mortgage statements
    • Tax returns
    • Property tax forms and titles
    • Credit card and utility bills
    • Life insurance policy
    • Retirement accounts
    • Documentation of all assets
    • Marriage certificate

    Speak Up

    One of the worst things you to do during your divorce is to be silent. This is an emotional time and it can be difficult to think about turning the end of your marriage into a business deal but that’s very much what a divorce is. For some people, turning off the personal switch and turning on the money switch helps with making decisions efficiently and in your best interest.

    Above all, don’t be afraid to ask any questions of your divorce attorney. They have seen and heard it all where the end of a marriage is concerned, and there is nothing to be ashamed about. All information is confidential and there are some details in your life that you may not even realize can work in your favor, from your ex’s behavior within the marriage to personal habits of your ex like gambling, drinking, or infidelity. Even though Michigan is a no-fault state, all actions matter, especially when it comes to child custody and support.

    Start Saving

    Divorce can be expensive, but you don’t have to be blindsided by a change in your financial status. Tally your income and expenses – as a now one-earner household – so you know where you stand and what’s ahead:

    • Create a new budget
    • Identify areas where you can cut back
    • Prioritize debt repayment
    • Consider debt consolidation
    • Reach out to creditors to lower interest rates

    You may want to get a second job or a better-paying job or wait for the end of your divorce to split the debt and assets of your union, but you must live through the divorce process first – and that can take many months.

    Make Your Own Luck with the Right Michigan Divorce Lawyer

    Rely on the guidance of your Michigan divorce attorney. They will guide you through the divorce process so you have all the information needed and help you strategize about what’s to come, whether child support amount or ownership of the family home is your priority. There is no wrong answer – your goals are unique to you and your future.

    Get the support you need from the Michigan divorce lawyers at Femminineo Attorneys. Schedule a consultation today.

    Femminineo Law
    110 S Main St # 200
    Mt Clemens, MI 48043

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    Michigan Divorce Help Law