The act of removing your feelings from the Michigan divorce process is a difficult thing to do. However, if you can take all emotion out of your divorce, the process will go much more smoothly and all matters will be easier to navigate. Try to think of the journey you’re about to embark on as a business decision and not a personal one – it’s a tough rule to follow, but it can be done, and it can make your split that much easier to manage.
The Benefits of Keeping Your Divorce Impersonal
Most couples reach the decision to divorce because their relationship has disintegrated over time. They are tired of trying to fix things, or perhaps they don’t see anything even worth trying to fix anymore. Certainly, there are also couples who impulsively choose to split up because of one major event in their lives that has destroyed their coupledom.
No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, there will be plenty of emotions to navigate surrounding divorce. You will be angry, sad, scared, happy, relieved, nervous, excited, depressed, anxious, stressed, joyful, hopeful. There will be bad feelings and there will be good feelings. Many divorcing people rely on their friends and family to hear them out. Others choose a therapist to be their sounding board.
Ideally, you can find a way to work through your emotions outside of the actual legal divorce proceedings and meetings with your Michigan divorce lawyer. It’s wise to keep your emotions out of the divorce lawyer’s office so you can use that precious time to discuss the “business” particulars – namely, the financial dismantling of your marriage, like who gets the house, the cars, the retirement accounts, the family pet, and so much more.
The Most Personal Part of Your Divorce
It will be difficult to keep your feelings separate from your divorce when it comes time to discuss your children – specifically, matters of child custody and parenting time. If you are not divorcing amicably with your spouse, every issue will be a mountain to climb, especially this one.
Your divorce lawyer will encourage you to stay impartial and act in the best interests of your kids, not to make life difficult for your ex or make them feel as bad as you’re feeling. Weaponizing your children is one of the worst things you can do in a divorce and no court will look kindly on a parent who operates this way. When you feel like you can’t make the tough decisions, your divorce lawyer will help you reach the most logical businesslike ending.
Always be honest and up front with your Michigan family law attorney. He or she needs to know where you stand and what you’re thinking. If you’re feeling argumentative or are inspired to make emotional decisions to get back at your ex, just be upfront about it so you can talk it out with your lawyer – chances are, if you’re doing something to spite your former spouse, it’ll come back to bite you later anyway.
Get the support you need from the experienced Michigan divorce attorneys at Michigan Divorce Help in Macomb County. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.