There isn’t one divorcing person who hasn’t asked the question, “How long is my divorce actually going to take?” While the definition of a “quickie” divorce is all relative, there are only two types of divorces in Macomb County and the state of Michigan. That designation is what will determine the minimum amount of time it will take to complete your divorce.
Why Children Affect How Long a Divorce Takes
If your union produced children and you are now filing for dissolution of marriage, expect the process to last at least six months, or 180 days. For Michigan divorces that do not involve children, the minimum amount of time required to complete this divorce is 60 days.
The 60-Day Divorce Minimum
A 60-day divorce is the minimum for every couple in Michigan, regardless of your situation. There are no exceptions to this rule. Why do you have to wait? Why can’t you just settle the break-up of your marriage in a matter of a few days? Simply enough: The wait is imposed in case you change your mind about the divorce.
Plenty of couples have argued or reached an impasse in their marriage that has one of them deciding impulsively that a divorce is the only way to solve the problem. “Impulsively” is the key word. The 60-day wait ensures that there is no possibility for rash decisions, and it provides couples with a period of time to think about what it is they’re doing and if it is truly in the best interest of their family to go their separate ways.
Divorce = Paperwork
Don’t get your hopes up, however, about the prospect of a divorce being finalized in a mere two months if you do not have children. Divorce takes time, effort, and plenty of paperwork. There is tremendous documentation, discovery, complaints, counter-complaints, Friend of the Court recommendations, and more that needs to be filed. All of these proceedings could be started and completed in a matter of 60 days, but everything must be done correctly and accurately to make sure that a divorce is properly completed.
Every Divorce is Different
In general, a divorce involving children shouldn’t last longer than a year; a divorce without children shouldn’t take longer than six months. Ultimately, though, every divorce is its own unique animal with very specific issues and complications to overcome. Contact Michigan Divorce Help, PLLC in Macomb, Michigan, to schedule your consultation . Learn what steps you need to take to file for a divorce and how long you can expect your proceedings to take.