It’s easy to assume that people choose to cheat with a person who’s more attractive, thinner, sexier, or in better shape than their spouse. But this assumption is not always accurate, at least not 100 percent, and at least not according to Victoria Milan, a dating site for married people who want to have an affair.
In a poll of their 4,000+ members, the website discovered that most site users actually consider their significant other to be more attractive than their affair partner. And it’s not just in the looks department. Of male respondents, only 30 percent cheated with women younger than their current partner, and only 25 percent found their mistresses in better shape or more interesting than their partner.
When Did Online Dating Become Online Cheating?
Regardless of the statistics surrounding the behavior of those who cheat, one of the more disturbing aspects of this information is, yet again, how the internet is inflicting harm on relationships. Online dating seemed to be for single people – at the start. But niche sites like Victoria Milan and Ashley Madison are catering to individuals who have consciously chosen to be an adulterer.
In the many relationships that have imploded because of infidelity, the person who cheated may often say, “It just happened.” But the premeditation that accompanies joining, perusing, and following through on these online dating/cheating sites is impossible to ignore.
What’s Really Behind Cheating
So what’s wrong with marriages today that deliberately cheating through online opportunities is the direction people are turning instead of opting for marriage counseling or simply an open conversation with their partner? In this survey, men admitted that they found their mistresses more passionate, better listeners, and more caring than their significant others.
Does that mean women become less caring or less affectionate in long-term relationships, prompting a man to cheat? If that’s where someone wants to put the blame, then it could be said that men become lazy in relationships – physically and emotionally. The cheating site survey found that 50 percent of female respondents said their lovers were in better shape (though women also cited better listening skills and more passion as incentives). And a staggering 89.6 percent of women actively cheating indicated that the new man in their life makes them feel more appreciated than their significant other.
Infidelity and Your Michigan Divorce
Though Michigan is a no-fault state and infidelity cannot outright be claimed as the end of a marriage, behaviors or actions of your soon-to-be-ex can be identified as the cause of a union’s end and may be admissible in certain circumstances during your Michigan divorce case. These are the kind of facts that speak to a person’s character and could easily have an impact on how child custody, parenting time, and spousal support shake down.
Discuss your Macomb County, Michigan, divorce questions and concerns with Michigan Divorce Help. Contact us to schedule your consultation.