Many people prefer to keep their personal life private when they’re at work, though some are very happy to share all about their family life. Everything changes, though, when you’re getting a divorce. You don’t want your work to be interrupted or negatively affected by your split, but it can be hard to separate your career from your Michigan divorce.
Accept That Some Things Just Can’t Be Kept Secret
Are you someone who is so private that your coworkers might be surprised to even discover you were married let alone in the process of divorce? If you fit into this category, know that there is at least one person who needs to know about your divorce – your human resource director.
If you’re at a small business, HR may be your direct supervisor. If you’re part of a large organization, HR may be a separate department. Either way, human resources needs know what’s changing in your life. You may have been on your spouse’s benefits plan but now you need your own health insurance and life insurance. Your retirement accounts may have your ex’s name on them as beneficiary, or you may be paying child support or spousal support that comes directly from your paycheck. You may be changing your name, address, or withholdings.
You might want to keep your divorce hush-hush, but make sure the relevant professional parties are aware of the changes in your life so you can change what’s necessary to keep yourself and your family physically and financially safe.
You Don’t Have to Share Everything
Sharing too much can be a major downfall for you at work. Certainly, your distraction can interfere with your productivity, but it can also make you the target of other coworkers. Workplace gossip is real, whether you’re in an office or studio or on a stage or on the road.
If you have been wronged and your split is contentious, you may want to tell the world. Use caution when sharing the details of your private life at work. If necessary, let people know what’s going, but ask too for privacy and discretion – you’re more likely to get it that way than by being secretive.
Take the Time You Have
While you may be tempted to muscle through your divorce while juggling work too, if you have the vacation days or personal days available, take that available time to sort out your personal life.
There will be times when you need to come in late or leave early because of a meeting or court appearance, but you can schedule your divorce matters carefully, including phone calls with your divorce lawyer, to help you compartmentalize work and personal life, so you are less distracted and less likely to be pulled away from important tasks.
Make It Clear That You’re Committed
Ideally, you work with people or for a company that is understanding about your situation. Being up front about the challenges you’re facing will help others have patience for your lack of focus, anxiety, or other fluctuating feelings.
Everyone has bad days, divorce or no divorce, but you must still get the job done. Let your boss know that you’re committed, and that you will do your best to prevent your personal life from interfering with your productivity
If you are looking for a divorce lawyer, schedule your consultation with Michigan Divorce Help PLLC in Mount Clemens to talk with an experienced divorce attorney.