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    Divorce Attorney Journal

    The Problem with Phone Hacking Your Ex During Your Michigan Divorce

    Snooping on your spouse’s phone when you’re married isn’t for everyone. Some couples agree to full transparency and hand over their gadgets regularly, while others prefer to maintain some aspect of personal privacy in their relationship. If all parties are in agreement, things are probably all good. Problems arise though when troubled couples or those The Problem with Phone Hacking Your Ex During Your Michigan Divorce

    Tips to Stay Strong During Your Michigan Divorce

    If there is one thing in life that will test you and show you that you’re stronger than you ever thought possible, it’s a divorce. However, even the toughest person will be tested by the mental, emotional, financial, and logistical demands of this process. Here are tips for staying strong during your Michigan divorce.

    Creative Parenting Time Ideas for Halloween

    In the state of Michigan, the typical parenting time schedule has the children of divorced parents spending Halloween with the father in even numbered years and the mother in odd-numbered years. In same-sex marriages, the plaintiff follows the mother’s schedule and the defendant follows the father’s schedule for parenting time during holidays and breaks. This Creative Parenting Time Ideas for Halloween

    Does Debt Make People Think Twice About Divorce?

    What’s mine is yours, what’s yours is mine? This saying takes on new meaning when it comes to Michigan divorce. Some couples may be eager to part, but they are not eager to adopt half of their union’s debt and go back into the world single and weighed down by financial obligations.

    The Best Movies About Divorce

    When your life is in flux, when you’re watching your marriage break up, when you’re moving to a new place or not seeing your kids as often as you’d like, sometimes the thing you want to do most is just escape. Movies have long been the way that people leave their own problems behind and The Best Movies About Divorce

    Femminineo Law
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    Mt Clemens, MI 48043

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