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    Divorce Attorney Journal

    5 Tips for Divorced Parents to Manage Back-to-School During COVID-19

    No matter how long you’ve been divorced, back-to-school time gets a little complicated. Now COVID-19 has made the transition from summertime to school days even more stressful. Parents are looking at an abnormal school year ahead. These combined complications make it a challenge for divorced Michigan parents to honor their parenting plan and keep kids’ 5 Tips for Divorced Parents to Manage Back-to-School During COVID-19

    Making Summer Parenting Time Work

    If you have children and are in the middle of a divorce or planning to file for Michigan divorce, your journey will include a lengthy discussion about child custody and parenting time. Summertime is a hot-button topic when it comes to getting time with the kids and there are many elements to consider as your Making Summer Parenting Time Work

    Can I Get a Michigan Divorce During COVID-19?

    For couples who might have been on the fence about getting a divorce, the stay-at-home orders caused by COVID-19 have made it very clear to some of them that a split is necessary and unavoidable. Now, the biggest question is: Can you get a Michigan divorce during a pandemic?

    How Do You Win Pet Custody in a Michigan Divorce?

    Children and money – those are always the major elements of contention when it comes to working out a divorce settlement. But what about the family pet? Who gets custody of your pet when your marriage ends? What’s fair? And who decides?

    Femminineo Law
    110 S Main St # 200
    Mt Clemens, MI 48043

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