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    Coping with a Michigan Divorce on Valentine’s Day

    You may feel any number of emotions surrounding Valentine’s Day, whether you’re divorced or in the process of getting a divorce in Michigan. There’s anger, loneliness, sadness, indifference, and even glee for some people. Whatever your current state of being, it’s not wrong – we all process life changes in different ways.

    Recent studies have found that divorce filings actually increase 40 percent around Valentine’s Day, so if you’re feeling like you’re alone in your loneliness, don’t. Instead of dwelling on the love you had in the past (or the terrible Valentine’s Days you used to have), find positive ways to cope with this one day of the year.

    Focus on Your Children

    Custody issues during a divorce can make you feel disgruntled, not to mention stressed about your kids’ well-being. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to take 24 hours and stop thinking about parenting time and who’s getting the kids on what weekends or holidays.

    Celebrate your children instead of focusing on the absence of marital love in your life. Create new traditions that are special to your changed family unit. And, most of all, do your best not to taint the holiday for your kids just because you’re feeling less than merry about hearts, flowers, and chocolates. Even though your relationship isn’t what you might have hoped for, you can still convey to your children that love is possible, wonderful, and in their future.

    Celebrate on the Cheap

    When there is divorce, there are money issues, whether you’re the one who’s doling out child support or the one who’s lamenting the inability of your ex-spouse to pay you on time. Find ways to make the most of the holiday without putting yourself in the hole.

    If you have someone new in your life, opt for a romantic dinner at home instead of a wine and roses meal at a five-star restaurant. If you are flying solo, don’t go overboard on the jewelry purchase just to make yourself feel better. A pot-luck or BYOB night with the other single girls or guys in your circle can help you cope without over-indulging moneywise.

    Try to Stay Optimistic

    So many divorcing couples are of the mindset that relationships and romance are forever tainted by an ugly split. Know that love is possible for you in the future. Trust too that your divorce battle, if it is hostile and taxing, will ultimately come to an end, and you can move on with your life with a new outlook, and hopeful for love.

    If you have questions about pursuing a divorce in Macomb County, Michigan, contact Michigan Divorce Help, PLLC to schedule your consultation.

    Femminineo Law
    110 S Main St # 200
    Mt Clemens, MI 48043

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