If you are a stay-at-home mom and find yourself on the brink of divorce, you know you are facing some tough hurdles, and seeking the answers to many questions. At one point, you and your spouse agreed that one of you would stay home to care for your children. Now, you will be without a spouse’s support, financially and emotionally, and that person will not be a physical daily presence in your lives. The right Michigan divorce attorney will present the options available to you, and help you realize that stay-at-home moms can thrive after divorce.
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Choosing to Divorce When You are a Full-Time SAHM
There have been many stay-at-home mothers (SAHM) who have remained in an unhappy or unsatisfying marriage. Plenty of employed mothers make the same choice. The difference for the SAHM, of course, is that the variables are different. They want out of their marriage, but they may not feel financially stable enough to make a move, especially when young children are part of the equation.
A qualified Michigan divorce attorney will ensure that your divorce is not settled until it is confirmed that you will be provided for when it comes to child support and spousal support. Nevertheless, fear of money troubles are likely to remain.
You may worry that your former spouse will become delinquent in paying support. But in Michigan, the law requires that income withholding go into effect when child support is involved in a divorce case. The employer of the party who pays support will be ordered to deduct the determined amount from that party’s paycheck for disbursement by the state.
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Making Ends Meet as a Divorced SAHM
Many a stay-at-home mother has made the choice to forgo career and independent income for the sake of her family. If you are a professional-turned-SAHM, it can be daunting to pursue employment after being out of your field for some time. Rest assured, you are not alone. One of the best things you can do, when you know divorce is imminent or divorce proceedings have already begun, is to brush off your resume and prepare yourself for the job market sooner rather than later.
You may receive enough in spousal support and child support to allow you to not work, and if that is the case you are fortunate. But many a woman will find herself with tightened finances and not much expendable income – and that is a challenge for all mothers, no matter their marital situation. Being gainfully employed can help you feel more at ease with how your divorce settlement pans out, whatever the circumstances.
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Educate Yourself About Divorce
Aligning yourself with an experienced Michigan divorce attorney is one way to feel more comfortable with the process of divorce. You will have many questions, and knowing who you can turn to for accurate answers is critical. No question is unwarranted – after all, you ideally have not been divorced before, so this is your first ride on the divorce merry-go-round and that comes with plenty of unknowns.
Don’t hesitate to ask your attorney:
- How does the divorce process work?
- What kind of divorce options will give me the best outcome?
- Is there any such thing as a fair settlement?
- How can I protect my children from the impact of divorce?
- Is it possible to have a peaceful divorce?
- What can I do to keep my divorce costs low?
- How should I financially prepare for my divorce?
If you are seeking a Michigan divorce attorney, contact Michigan Divorce Help in Mt. Clemens to schedule your consultation and discuss your divorce.