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    Putting Together a Divorce Team

    Michigan divorce team femminineo attorneys

    There are many divorce professionals to have in your corner to help you get through the end of your marriage. As you put together a divorce team you can trust and rely on through the ebbs and flows of this process, consider all the pros who are right for your needs, lifestyle, and post-divorce goals.

    Divorce Lawyer

    Every new divorce case is looked at with fresh eyes by an experienced divorce lawyer. They do not assume you understand the nuances of Michigan divorce law, what is required of you, or how the process will play out. The right divorce lawyer has empathy but is also objective and removes emotion from the proceedings to help you make the best decisions.

    Financial Analyst

    Do you know all your assets and debts? You may think you know your spouse’s financial circumstances but, when a marriage ends, so does transparency. There may be credit cards you’re unaware of. There may be bills you thought were paid that have been outstanding for months. A financial analyst gathers and evaluates all financial information from your marriage. This discovery aids in understanding what divorce settlement is beneficial for you now and in the future, what constitutes marital property, tax implications, and more.

    Divorce Concierge

    A divorce concierge can be of great help during the end of a marriage when the paperwork and meetings and labor-intensive nature of a divorce feels like a full-time job. Whatever term you use to define a divorce concierge, they are someone who supports you in managing divorce tasks and daily life, like a temporary assistant. A concierge may keep tabs on your lawyer’s retainer, help you gather documents, or accompany you to meetings with members of your divorce team.


    A mediator does not replace a divorce attorney, but the mediation process can work well for amicable divorcing couples. Mediators are not permitted to give legal advice, though they guide couples to decisions, saving them time and money. Sometimes, a divorce can be wrapped up more quickly with a mediator’s help and make the split less difficult where parenting time and child custody matters are concerned.

    Mental Health Professional

    Divorce is a taxing experience, and it will take you through a range of emotions and mental states. You will feel sadness, grief, anger, happiness, joy, excitement, hope, devastation, relief, and guilt. There is no need to try to work through all your feelings on your own. Rely on a trusted mental health professional, one who is well-versed in treating people going through divorce, so you can rationalize what you’re experiencing and feel strong about your choices.

    Settling on Your Divorce Team

    You don’t need all these professionals on your divorce team to successfully bring your marriage to a close. The most important resource is your Michigan divorce lawyer, who can serve you in nearly all areas. If you are interested in learning more about Michigan divorce and identifying the most crucial members of your unique divorce team, contact Femminineo Attorneys. Schedule a consultation with our family law office.

    Femminineo Law
    110 S Main St # 200
    Mt Clemens, MI 48043

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    Michigan Divorce Help Law