Even though you may very much want your Michigan divorce, the experience of separating your life from another person’s is stressful. It’s important to adopt coping techniques to help yourself through the journey so that the divorce stress doesn’t affect your health, the well-being of your children, or your professional life.
Here are just five ways to cope with divorce stress:
1. Let go of blame.
Perhaps one specific incident led to your divorce. If you were the one being wronged, it’s better for your psyche and your soul to let go of blame and anger toward your ex-spouse. If you were the one in the wrong, working through the guilt is necessary to help you move on and find a healthy new life. Remember, your children are watching how you handle your divorce. Staying positive and moving through the transition with grace is important for all of you.
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2. Talk.
You may or may not believe in the value of talk therapy, but getting your divorce stress off your chest is beneficial to your well-being. It’s natural to want to suppress unpleasant feelings, but if you deny your emotions they will eventually implode. There are common stages of divorce, from anger to sadness, loneliness to uncertainty, grief to rejection. Feel all the feels, good and bad. Consider getting a therapist to help you face them head-on and develop the clarity you need to move on.
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3. But be careful who you talk to.
While talking is important, do yourself a favor and be careful who you open up to. Ideally, your family and closest friends are on your side and able to keep your secrets. Acquaintances who suddenly insert themselves in your life may just be interested in the gossip of your story. You’ll save yourself a lot of heartache and regret if you pick and choose who’s worthy of hearing your divorce tale.
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4. Don’t be hasty.
You may want to zoom through the divorce to get it over with but be careful and take your time so you don’t jeopardize your future, financially or otherwise. There is no surer route to stress than money problems. Hiring a qualified Michigan divorce attorney will help you gradually manage each step of your divorce until every matter has been settled to your satisfaction. Even though you might want out of your marriage stat, there is something to be said for patience, goal-setting, and satisfaction with the new route your life is about to take.
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5. Watch your finances.
Money will be the tightest during your divorce. Make a conscious effort to address your and your children’s needs, not your wants. Sticking to a budget will give you far more satisfaction than a pricey spending spree with a bill that arrives a month later after your consumer high has worn off.
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Take care of your body, find time to do the things you love, and fit in some exercise while tempering your expectations. Leave the “shoulds” in the dust and accept your situation for what it is – a major life change that will move at a slow but even pace to help you prepare for a successful life after divorce.
If you are ready to talk about your divorce, contact an experienced Michigan divorce attorney at Michigan Divorce Help in Mt. Clemens, MI, to schedule your consultation.