You may not feel all that thankful for your Michigan divorce when you’re in the middle of arguments about spousal support, who gets the house, how your debt will be split, or whether your parenting time agreement is fair. The hope, however, is that you eventually come to realize that divorce has given you multiple opportunities to feel thankful for change.
Here are just some of the reasons to be grateful about your Michigan divorce:
1. You are no longer walking on eggshells.
Was your spouse volatile, prone to anger, easily provoked? In households where one person is particularly explosive, it can feel like incredible relief to finally live without that constant tension and stress.
You may have been holding back in so many ways because you wanted to maintain a peaceful environment for your kids and yourself, but doing that involved biting your tongue or leaving your true feelings unsaid. Now, you can say whatever you want and just breathe.
2. You can live exactly the way you want.
How often did you cave to your spouse’s wants and wishes? Did you not do something because your spouse wouldn’t join in or you didn’t want to leave him or her behind? Did you have to engage with people you didn’t enjoy? Did you live a lifestyle that just wasn’t making you happy?
Now you don’t have to RSVP to gatherings the way your spouse would have. You don’t have to give in every time because your spouse wanted something completely different from you. And you can buy that couch your partner called “ugly” because it’s your space now.
Live your authentic self, say “no” when it suits you, say “yes” whenever you want.
3. You’ve become a better parent.
When you’re stressed out by your marriage, you don’t have room to properly tend to all the other important things in your life – namely, your kids. After a divorce, you may realize just how much more bandwidth you have to properly pay attention to your children.
You may even find yourself having a more peaceful relationship with your ex where parenting is concerned. Though you didn’t work well together in a marriage, you might make a great parenting partnership post-divorce when you aren’t clouded by personal resentment and judgment.
Parents often spend less time with their kids than usual because of divorce, while others spend more time with their kids than they might otherwise have spent. You will find yourself refining your parenting skills so that they work best for you and your kids’ needs. You’ve already created a healthier environment for your children by saying yes to a Michigan divorce. That deserves applause. The rest will fall naturally into place.
4. You can start new traditions.
It can be heartbreaking to leave behind the things that you actually did love about your relationship: Your spouse reading Twas the Night Before Christmas to your kids every Christmas Eve. The special meal you always cooked together on Valentine’s Day. But when you think about what surrounded these little moments, was it more bad than good?
You can create new traditions with your kids, family, friends, yourself. Your relationship no longer defines who you are, what you do. Celebrate every holiday and occasion exactly the way you want to, and say goodbye to obligations, people, or experiences that didn’t enrich your old life.
Michigan Divorce: It’s a Good Thing
Your Michigan divorce lawyers at Michigan Divorce Help understands the brutal emotional roller coaster you will experience throughout your split, from sadness to joy, anger to exhaustion. But know this: You can be thankful that at the end of it all, you can find happiness and peace. No longer do you need to seek another person’s approval, no longer do you have to hide your emotions from your kids.
It’s OK to be happy after a divorce. You’ve started a new life. We can help you get there. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.