You are not alone in your divorce journey. Millions have gone before you, and millions will come after you. While every divorce is unique, there are some universal truths that go relatively undiscussed and it can help to know these three truths while you’re divorcing so you make the right decisions for your future.
1. You will experience a trickle-down effect.
If you hire the right divorce attorney, they will go over your financial situation with a fine toothcomb and ensure that every penny goes in the right direction. Without an attorney’s help, you may find yourself dealing with a whopper of an unexpected tax bill or credit card debts that are suddenly your sole responsibility. Separating two lives is not easy, and it gets far more complicated (and people are never completely extricated from one another) when children are involved. When you sign your divorce papers, that isn’t the end of things. You may still come up against difficulties involving unpaid spousal support and child custody issues. The separation of old life from new life takes time, and you’ll still feel the effects of your divorce for quite a while after your marriage has been legally dissolved.
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2. You may choose the wrong home.
In many divorces, one half of the couple leaves the marital home sooner rather than later. This might mean that you make some unsound or rushed decisions about housing. You don’t have time to properly vet a neighborhood for safety, seek a stimulating and distracting environment, or figure out if an apartment will have you suffering under a heavy-footed neighbor’s hardwood floors. You may be limited as you seek a temporary place that accepts pets and find yourself in a less-than-desirable living situation. Your desire to live near your children may have you paying far more than you should for a place to live. And that means your funds may be quite compromised, which impacts your ability to live the kind of life you want to live. Any post-divorce lifestyle is temporary – eventually you will find a new normal, and that will include pinpointing the right kind of housing situation. As you deal with post-divorce trauma, you’ll learn exactly what you need and don’t need, but that doesn’t make it any easier to suffer through the small, noisy, dark, or less-than-ideal interim digs.
3. You will be lonely.
When couples divorce, it’s pretty standard for one person to “get” certain friends and the other person to retain other friends. However it pans out, you will find yourself with a dearth of support. If people who once figured prominently in your life are no longer around, you have to deal with the reality that maybe they weren’t such good friends after all, and that can be a difficult truth to accept. You’re also faced with the task of finding new friends. If you haven’t tried to make new buds it in a long time, you may be tempted to avoid attempting it altogether.
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Eventually you will become your best single self, and you’ll be a divorce veteran who has learned some of the hardest lessons of love and life. Seek out the support of an experienced Michigan divorce attorney to aid you in your transition to a new life. Contact Michigan Divorce Help in Mt. Clemens, MI, to schedule your consultation today.